Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Fix Internet Explorer Always Crash

This works on IE9, IE8 and IE7.

Follow the following step to reset the Internet Explorer Settings

1-Start Internet Explorer
2-On the Tools menu, click Internet Options
3-On the Advance tab, click Reset under Reset Internet Explorer settings
4-In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click Reset to confirm

Caution: If this doesn't work then you can download Microsoft Security Scanner to check whether you computer have been infected by 'malware'.
To download click :

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Free Antivirus on Windows 8

Free Antivirus For Download

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2013

Avast Free Antivirus 2013

Panda Cloud Antivirus 2013

Avira Free Antivirus 2013

Windows Defender

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Windows 8 Pirates Get a Free Activation Key From Microsoft

Before Windows 8 was officially released a final copy, the software was leaked online, and people were able to use the software but activating it through a third party KMS server, this would allow users to use the software for 180 days.
After this period, the pirated copy of Windows 8 would need to be reactivated, but now it would appear that Microsoft has inadvertently given pirates the chance to turn their pirated software into a legitimate copy of Windows 8.Microsoft is giving a free Media Center upgrade to any Windows Pro users until the 31st of January 2013, and now it would appear that this free upgrade will turn the pirated copy of windows  into a full activated version.
The guys over at The Verge tested this out by downloading a pirate copy of Windows 8, and then were able to turn it into a fully activated version by the method above, Microsoft have yet to respond to this, as soon as we get some more details we will let you guys know....

Anyhow..please refer to Microsoft to verify this...this is to good to be true but nothing is impossible, to be on the safe side, PakarPC are not held responsible if the rumors are not true..
PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Monday, 24 December 2012

Kerja PartTime / Kerja Sambilan Kepada Yang Berminat

Kerja Part Time

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Cara Membuat Iklan Yang Hebat

Untuk menghasilkan iklan yang berkesan anda perlu ketahui bahawa terdapat beberapa jenis teknik pengiklanan. Teknik pengiklanan biasanya berbeza mengikut matlamat dan medium pengiklanan yang digunakan. Antara konsep yang paling popular dan sering digunakan oleh syarikat gergasi di seluruh dunia adalah konsep A.I.D.A. AIDA merupakan akronim untuk:
  • A  -Attention (Perhatian)
  • I   -Interest (Minat)
  • -Desire (Kehendak)
  • -Action (Tindakan). 

Pakar Pc akan  menunjukkan anda dengan lebih jelas bagaimana untuk mengaplikasikan teknik ini untuk perniagaan anda.

Iklan yang berkesan mempunyai daya tarikan yang berjaya manarik perhatian pembaca iklan tersebut. Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk menarik perhatian pembaca untuk melihat iklan anda, antaranya:
Gunakan animasi sekiranya anda menggunakan platform pengiklanan di internet. Kajian membuktikan pergerakan akan menarik perhatian mata dan minda dengan lebih mudah.Yang paling penting sekali, sekiranya anda mengiklankan perniagaan anda di lokasi yang mempunyai lebih daripada 3 iklan, pastikan anda mengelakkan persaingan dalam industri atau bidang yang sama. Bezakan anda dengan iklan yang lain. Jika tidak, cari sahaja tempat pengiklanan lain yang kurang persaingan.

Bagaimana untuk menarik perhatian orang sekiranya anda menggunakan iklan dalam bentuk 'brochure' atau 'flyers'? 
Penggunaan warna yang terang dan kontra. Warna yang Pakar Pc cadangkan adalah seperti merah, jingga dan hijau. Kontra di sini pula bermaksud tulisan dapat dibaca dengan jelas. Pastikan warna tulisan berbeza dengan warna latar belakang.

Setelah anda berjaya mendapatkan perhatian pembaca iklan anda, langkah seterusnya adalah anda perlu naikkan minat mereka terhadap produk atau perkhidmatan anda. Caranya adalah dengan menyatakan kelebihan produk anda. Berikut terdapat beberapa tips mudah untuk menaikkan minat terhadap produk atau perkhidmatan anda dengan pantas:

  • Letakkan kebaikan kepada pengguna bukannya ciri-ciri produk tersebut.
  • Pastikan anda menyatakan 2-5 kelebihan yang terbaik untuk produk atau perkhidmatan anda.
  • Utamakan kelebihan yang membezakan anda dengan pesaing anda seperti kualiti, harga dan jaminan.

Dalam proses untuk menghasilkan iklan yang berkesan juga anda perlu menjawab soalan yang paling kerap ditanya oleh bakal pelanggan anda tetapi sering dilupakan oleh para pemilik perniagaan lain; “Kenapa saya perlu beli sekarang?” atau “Buat apa nak klik iklan ini?” Sekiranya anda sendiri tidak boleh menjawab soalan mudah ini, maka iklan anda dari awal lagi sudah tidak berkesan. Sebaliknya, jika anda mampu menjawab soalan ini, maka pelanggan anda pun akan boleh. Cara yang paling praktikal untuk mewujudkan kehendak untuk klik pada iklan anda adalah dengan memberikan sesuatu yang susah untuk ditolak oleh bakal pelanggan anda. Sebagai contoh:

  • Pemberian percuma.
    Contoh: Beli satu percuma satu / Beli ubat gigi percuma berus gigi.
  • Jualan atau diskaun untuk jangka masa terhad.
    Contoh: Promosi Hari Raya / Promosi Kembali Ke Sekolah/Stok terhad.

Elemen terakhir yang perlu ada di dalam iklan anda adalah kata tindakan. Atau dalam kata lain,
call-for-action. Kebanyakkan perniagaan yang membuat pengiklanan mengambil mudah bahagian ini.
Tanpa anda sedari, dengan meletakkan call-for-action, pengiklanan anda akan mulai berkesan.
Berikut adalah call-for-action yang mudah dan biasa digunakan:
  • Untuk pendaftaran sila hubungi 1800-88-7508.
  • Layari untuk melanggan perkhidmatan kami.

Contoh Iklan:

Kepada mereka yang masih baru dalam bidang pengiklanan,yang berminat tetapi tidak mempunyai kemahiran,bolehlah hadir ke Bengkel Graphic kami untuk mempelajari teknik-teknik yang amat berkesan
dalam bidang pengiklanan.


PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Download YouTube Videos

The Pakar Pc suggest you to use YouTube Downloader HD. A free downloadable program, YouTube Downloader HD keeps things simple: You provide the URL of the video, select the video quality and format, and click the Download button. YouTube Downloader HD has a limited selection of output formats and can’t download from video sites other than YouTube, but it still shines with its adware-free installation, ability to download multiple videos simultaneously, and automatic conversion feature.

1. Download YouTube Downloader HD, then install and launch the program.
Don't know how to get the YouTube Downloader HD?
Click at Pakar Pc Logo below:

Click Here

2. Select the quality of the video using the Download dropdown menu. Many YouTube videos are offered in multiple quality levels—from 240p to Full HD 1080p. Higher-quality videos look better but take up more hard-drive space and take longer to download.

3. Check one of the optional boxes if you want to convert an FLV video to AVI or MP4. The FLV format is not as widely supported as AVI and MP4, so you may find your media player won’t recognize FLV videos.

4. Insert the URL of the YouTube video you want to download in the Video URL field. Follow the format of the example provided below the field.

5. Enter a Save to location.

6. Click the Download button. If you selected a video quality higher than is available, the program will prompt you to automatically try the next-best quality setting. This prompt will repeat until the highest available quality setting is found.

If you selected an FLV conversion option, conversion takes place automatically after the download is complete. YouTube Downloader HD will notify you when the video is saved and ready for viewing. Unfortunately YouTube Downloader HD does not support batch downloading at this time, but you can launch multiple instances of the program to download multiple YouTube videos simultaneously.

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Bengkel Khas Untuk Guru

Bengkel Microsoft Office Untuk Guru

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Bootable USB

Creating bootable USB drives the easy way

Rufus is a small utility that helps format and create bootable USB flash drives, such as USB keys/pendrives, memory sticks, etc.

It can be be especially useful for cases where:

you need to create USB installation media from bootable ISOs (Windows, Linux, etc.)
you need to work on a system that doesn't have an OS installed
you need to flash a BIOS or other firmware from DOS
you want to run a low-level utility
Despite its small size, Rufus provides everything you need!

Oh, and Rufus is fast. For instance it's about twice as fast as UNetbootin, Universal USB Installer or Windows 7 USB download tool, on the creation of a Windows 7 USB installation drive from an ISO (with honorable mention to WiNToBootic for managing to keep up). It is also marginally faster on the creation of Linux bootable USB from ISOs (1).
A non exhaustive list of Rufus supported ISOs is also provided at the bottom of this page.

Finally, please remember that once formatted, your drive is still usable as before to transfer data: it doesn't have to be dedicated for DOS or ISO installation only.

The current version of Rufus allows the creation of a bootable USB from an ISO image (.iso). In a future version, we may add the ability to read files directly from a CD/DVD drive or from a folder...

Creating an ISO image from a physical disc or from a set of files is very easy to do however, through the use of a CD burning application, such as the freely available CDBurnerXP.

Get Rufus Here :- Download

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Monday, 17 December 2012

Removed BIOS password using software

Guide to install CmosPwd and remove password:

1. Download & extract to a folder. I put it in drive D like this: d:\ cmos
2. To work on cmos memory, ioperm need to be installed and running. ioperm gives direct port I/O access for specified ports to user-mode process (ring 3) using Ke386SetIoAccessMap and Ke386IoSetAccessProcess kernel functions.

Log on to Windows as Administrator priviledges and do as follow: (see picture):

a. Click Start-->Run: type CMD hit Enter on your keyboard.
b. now us the CD command of Dos to come to d:\cmos\windows. (here is: d: hit enter; cd cmos hit enter; cd windows hit enter).
c. when you are already in d:\cmos\windows in drive D then: type “ioperm.exe –i” hit enter.
d. to start ioperm service: type “net start ioperm” hit enter.
e. ok, type: “Cmospwd_win.exe /k” hit enter, we will see:

1 - Kill cmos
2 - Kill cmos (try to keep date and time)
0 - Abort
Choice :

Type 1 and hit Enter to clear cmos.

f. run the Acer eSettings Management program: start-->program-->Acer Empower Technology-->Acer eSettings Management.

g. now come to the: Bios Password to see: if you still see password enable, that means we fail but if we see they are Disable so we are done. Remember if we success remove password then we have to create a password for it and then remove it and click Apply to save to cmos memory. This is very important because sometimes we see it Disable but when reboot the computer they are Enable again cuz the password is still in the CMOS.

CmosPwd:- Download
Acer esetting Managment:- Download

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Bengkel Khas

Bengkel Membaiki Komputer Siri 1 (Kelas Khas) 
Tarikh 15-16 Disember 2012

Berikut adalah gambar-gambar aktiviti semasa Kelas Khas dijalankan:

Trainer yang terlatih memberi tunjuk ajar kepada pelajar
Kelas Khas hanya di buat atas permintaan pelajar-pelajar

Di sini,pelajar diajar asas-asas yang lengkap

Semua pelajar Pakar Pc memberitahu bahawa mereka sangat selesa belajar di sini

 Pastikan anda menggunakan Bootable Cd yang Original

Kelas Khas terpaksa di jalankan atas permintaan..Bengkel membaiki 
komputer siri 1 bagi bulan Disember sudah dijalankan.

Situasi di dalam Kelas Membaiki Komputer Siri 1
Selepas teori,pelajar akan diajar secara praktikal 

 Asas-asas juruteknik komputer

Ridhwan & Megat firdaus antara pelajar yang cepat faham apa yang diajar

Ada juga pelajar wanita yang hadir ke kelas Pakar Pc

Setiap pelajar yang hadir akan diberi cd khas untuk latihan...
Kepada pelajar-pelajar yang masih belum dapat lagi cd khas ini
bolehlah mendapatkannya di Pakar Pc.

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Friday, 14 December 2012

Bad Sector

What is Bad Sector

Every hard drive is separated into blocks or sectors. The size of one block is typically 512K. When the OS cannot read information from a block it is marked as a “bad” and is no longer used. In short, bad sectors are little clusters of data on your hard disk that cannot be read. Bad sector can cause a real damage to you hard drive by stressing your read arm

What Cause HDD Bad Sectors

  1. Improper shutdown of Windows;
  2. Defects of the hard disk, including general surface wear, pollution of the air inside the unit, or the head touching the surface of the disk;
  3. Other poor quality or aging hardware, including a bad processor fan, dodgy data cables, an overheated hard drive;
  4. Malware.

Types of Bad Sector

  1. Hard Bad Sector-are the ones that are physically damage i.e: you hard disk are expose to extreme heat or simply has a faulty mechanical part.
  2. Soft Bad Sector-also known as 'hard drive formatting wearing out', they are logical errors.

Check your HDD for errors
You can help solve some computer problems and improve the performance of your computer by making sure that your hard disk has no errors.

  1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.
  2. Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check Now.   If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  4. To automatically repair problems with files and folders that the scan detects, select Automatically fix file system errors. Otherwise, the disk check will simply report problems but not fix them.
  5. To perform a thorough disk check, select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This scan attempts to find and repair physical errors on the hard disk itself, and it can take much longer to complete.
  6. To check for both file errors and physical errors, select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.
  7. Click Start.

Depending upon the size of your hard disk, this may take several minutes. For best results, don't use your computer for any other tasks while it's checking for errors.

If you select Automatically fix file system errors for a disk that is in use (for example, the partition that contains Windows), you'll be prompted to reschedule the disk check for the next time you restart your computer.

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Change Battery CMOS Laptop

Repairing Laptop Special Edition

Toshiba A100 FIFA World Cup Special Edition

Last sunday,we have a new customer.He brought his special edition laptop to Pakar Pc
for change it's CMOS battery.He said that Pakar Pc is the fifth shop that he go.
Before this,others computer repairing shop can't solve this prob.
because this special edition laptop need a small CMOS battery and it's soldered
with motherboard.
Pakar Pc  were so lucky  that time because we can prove that we are not just a computer
technician,but we are solution for our customer.Alhamdulillah,we have succeed.

Our technician open the laptop casing

   Nice posing right? (^_^) One of the Pakar Pc's technician

This is the CMOS battery.It's very different because special edition laptop

Our technician replace a new CMOS battery and solder it back to motherboard

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Computer Automatically Reboot For No Reason?

Computer running Windows XP or 7 automatically reboots, Why is this?

When Windows XP or Windows 2000 or Win7 automatically reboots while using the computer, this means that Windows has crashed. There is a setting in the Windows System Properties that can allow Windows to automatically reboot after it crashes. This is the default setting when Windows is installed. To change this setting to allow Windows to show a blue screen with the error information, select System from the Windows Control Panel. The screenshots below show the proper settings for the System Properties.

Gambar Rujukan:

How to:

1. Right Click: My Computer Click Properties
2. Go to and click: 'System Protection'
3. Select: Advance Tab in 'System Properties'
4. Click 'Start Up and Recovery' button
5. Go to 'System Failure' and uncheck 'Automatically restart' check box
6. Click 'OK' and restart you PC.


-Team PakarPC-
'YourICT Powerhouse'

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Used Unit To Grab

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Different Between LCD,Plasma and LED Televisions

How it's works?
LCD stands for liquid crystal display. LCD screens first became popular as computer monitors before being adapted as televisions. The screen consists of two sheets of polarized glass; sandwiched between these is a solution made of liquid crystals. The glass is back-lit by a fluorescent bulb.When electrical current flows through the liquid, the crystals move, and the polarized glass allows certain wavelengths of light from the bulb to pass through. This creates thousands of tiny dots, or pixels, of color that ultimately make up the picture on an LCD TV.

LCD TVs are a good choice for people looking for an affordable HDTV. They have a much better picture quality than old-fashioned CRT televisions, and they’re relatively light-weight. They’re also ideal for watching television in any light condition; they work equally well in dark or well-lit rooms.

One problem that some people have with LCD technology is that it is limited when compared to other types of HDTVs. The display has a low contrast ratio, and there is no way to get “true” black on the screen. This leads to LCD TVs having a slightly washed-out look that some people do not like.

How it's works?Plasma TVs were developed in response to the weaknesses of LCD displays. Like LCD displays, a plasma screen TV has two panes of glass that make up the flat screen. Rather than using liquid crystals, plasma TVs have chambers filled with xenon and neon. When electricity runs through these chambers, the gas converts into plasma; as the plasma moves through the chamber, it emits photons that display in various colors.

Plasma televisions have excellent picture quality. The colors are very sharp and precise thanks to the reaction of gases, and the televisions also display very deep blacks. The screen can sometimes experience a “color burn” if they get a lot of use. When the television is turned off, a shadow of images may stay on the screen, and the color may be slightly faded in the areas that are burned.Nevertheless, a plasma TV should last for approximately 60,000 hours of viewing time, which should offer ample life for most television viewers. Plasma TVs use less electricity than traditional CRTs, but they do have a slightly higher power draw than those using LCD or LED technology.

One of the primary drawbacks of plasma technology is its cost. These TVs are somewhat heavier than others of their kind, and they cost more to produce due to the use of noble gases. They are also prohibitively expensive to repair and sometimes cannot be repaired at all. Plasma TVs also look much better in low light than in bright light.

How it's works?
The newest type of HDTV on the market uses LED technology. Similar to an LCD display, an LED screen utilizes a liquid crystal display sandwiched between two sheets of polarized glass. Rather than using a fluorescent back-light to illuminate the picture, however, LED screens use light emitting diodes. This makes LEDs more energy efficient and greatly improves picture quality.

LED TVs have better color contrast and brightness than either plasma or LCD displays. Blacks are deep and rich rather than seeming washed out, and the display is bright enough to watch in any light. They also draw less power than either LCD or plasma displays, and the energy efficiency helps to compensate for the technology’s fairly high cost.

The greatest drawback of an LED TV is its cost. Because the technology is new, it is more expensive than its competition. Additionally, LED TVs still sometimes suffer from the “dead pixel” issue that haunts LCD screens.
PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Panduan Kertas Format A

Saiz Kertas Format a-PakarPC

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Tweak the Lock Screen Colors

Windows 8 ONLY!!!

  • Microsoft provides a Metro style control panel to personalize the color scheme of accounts on Windows 8 but never provided an interface to customize the lock screen colors where you select accounts and log in.
  •  The lock screen colors can be customized just like the rest of the Windows 8 Metro interface but you must edit the registry. 

  1. Log into any account with administrative rights on your PC.
  2. Open the Start Screen and type in regedit and hit Enter.
    Navigate through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer and then Accent.
  3. Create a new DWORD called DefaultColorSet by right clicking on Accent and select New and then DWORD (32-bit) value.
  4. Right click on your new DefaultColorSet entry and select Modify.Pick a color scheme from the graphic above and note the corresponding decimal value.Switch the base to Decimal on the Modify screen and enter in the value you want according to the chart.

  • Click OK and reboot your PC. 
PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Kelab ICT PakarPC & Bengkel Adobe Photoshop

Berpeluang Memenangi hadiah menarik & belajar Teknik Khas AdobePhotoshop
Serta berpeluang mempelajari Pelbagai Jenis Software lain di PakarPC

                                                                            Kelab ICT PakarPC, dibuka untuk pendaftaran

                                                 Bengkel Adobe Photoshop, Pendaftaran Terhad

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Saturday, 24 November 2012

2 Step Make Your Pc Boot Fast.

Two Step Make Your Pc Boot Fast.Click at the video below to know how..

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Friday, 23 November 2012

Microsoft serves up to 60-day trial version of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013

A free, two-month evaluation version of Office Professional Plus 2013 is now available for those who'd like to try before they buy. People who want to take Office 2013 for a spin can download a 60-day evaluation edition.

This version available is the full Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 suite, which includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Publisher, and Lync. The software contains all the features in the paid edition, so you won't miss out on anything.

Now your can also get Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 and Microsoft Project Professional 2013 to try for 60-day. The download link is below.

Here's how you can grab the free trial version:

Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus (32-bit) English Download
Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus (64-bit) English Download

The software comes in the form of an IMG file, which means you can burn it onto a disc to install it. Alternatively, Windows 8 users can set up the file as a virtual drive by right-clicking on it and selecting the Mount command. Windows 7 users would need to use a product such as Virtual Clone Drive to do the same thing.Once the file is mounted, you can simply double-click on the virtual drive or run the Office setup file to install the program.

Office 2013's hardware and software requirements aren't especially taxing. But those of you still stuck on Windows XP or Vista are out of luck. The new suite runs only under Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012.

Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 English

New Update For Direct Download Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 (32-bit) English Download
New Update For Direct Download Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 (64-bit) English Download

Microsoft Project Professional 2013 English

New Update For Direct Download Microsoft Project Professional 2013 (32-bit) English Download
New Update For Direct Download Microsoft Project Professional 2013 (64-bit) English Download

Sharing Is Caring

PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508


Today i am going to teach you on how to remove 'background picture' using Adobe Phosotshop CS 6. This is the technique where most artists use to make superimpose picture. This is very interesting lesson. When you remove the 'background picture' you can always replace the background with another image.

This is very basic..and very easy to do...lets PakarPC show you how.

Adobe Photoshop CS6
If you don't how adobe Photoshop CS6, you can download it here

Ok...Let's start

  • Open Adobe Photo Shop.Click new.Set your photo size

  • Open your picture that you want to edit.
  • After you put a photo,dupplicate the photo for your safety.Lock the original photo.
  • After that, go to lasso. and choose lasso magnetic tool 
  • Use lasso magnetic tool and mark at area that you need. (kitten)
  • After finished,double click at the photo.Then,cut the photo that you need.

  • Put your background photo that you need.
  • Next,paste your image that you cut here.



PakarPC No 23-1, Block A, No 2 Jalan Langkawi 53300 Setapak Kuala Lumpur Hotline:1800-88-7508

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Basic Guide to Troubleshooting Common Windows PC Problems

Your Windows PC might be designed to make your life easier, but they often have a non-stop list of problems. Today we'll walk through some of the more common problems and how to troubleshoot them.

This list is, of course, by no means complete, and you should always use best practices to make sure that your PC doesn't need to be reinstalled all the time, is properly secured with anti-virus and a firewall, and is properly backed up at all times—but if you're currently having problems, keep reading for a list of common problems and troubleshooting techniques.

PC Won't Boot Into Windows

Try Safe Mode First
When your PC just won't boot into Windows at all, you'll probably want to start off with Safe Mode—use the F8 key right when the system starts up to access the menu and see if Windows will boot into Safe Mode. If you're able to get into Windows, the problem is likely something that would load only when you boot normally—graphics card drivers, junk applications, or perhaps some spyware applications.

Even Safe Mode Doesn't Work
If you can't even get into Safe Mode, you should use the Startup Repair tools, which can be accessed from the Advanced options in the Safe Mode menu; you can pull out your system repair disc, or your Windows installation disc and use the Repair option. If you're having a bootloader problem that says "bootmgr is missing", you can use the command prompt from an installation CD and use the bootrec /fixboot command.

Use System Restore
System Restore in Windows XP might not have been the greatest tool, but since Windows Vista came around, it's been an excellent choice for fixing up all sorts of problems, including issues that cause your system to not boot anymore. While testing, I once deleted a bunch of files in system32 to purposely cause a blue screen of death, and then used System Restore to get the system up and running again in minutes. If you're unfamiliar with the process, you can follow this step-by-step guide to restoring your PC with System Restore.

Try Booting Off an Ubuntu CD
Whenever I'm having issues with a PC  not booting up properly, one of the first things I do is grab an Ubuntu Live CD and try and boot from that, and see how well the system is working. If everything is working in Linux, then you know the problem is likely just your Windows installation, and not hardware related.

PC Crashing or Blue Screening
When your PC is crashing with the blue screen of death at random intervals, you should make sure that you first disable the automatic reboot after the blue screen, and then write down the error message so you can Google it later. If you're able to get back into Windows, you can try using the previously mentioned BlueScreenView tool to give you some extra information about the error message, but your best bet is usually to do a search.

If you're using Windows 7 or later and you're getting a blue screen of death, chances are very high that the problem is either driver or hardware related—contrary to legend, Windows just doesn't crash like that very much unless the problem is tied to hardware somehow.
Once you've identified the driver causing the problem, try and head into Safe Mode and uninstall or upgrade the driver causing the problem—sometimes the driver won't be visible, so you'll need to use a command-line trick to show hidden devices in Device Manager. If you're doing a bunch of work in Safe Mode, sometimes it's helpful to force Windows to load into Safe Mode without using the F8 key every time.

No Luck? Recover Files and Reinstall
If you simply can't get anything else to work and you don't have a full backup, your best bet is to pull out an Ubuntu Live CD and back up files from your PC, and then start the process of reinstalling Windows again. If you're using the native Windows backup tools, you can restore your system from an image backup, or use the standard backup and restore process.

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