Friday 14 December 2012

Bad Sector

What is Bad Sector

Every hard drive is separated into blocks or sectors. The size of one block is typically 512K. When the OS cannot read information from a block it is marked as a “bad” and is no longer used. In short, bad sectors are little clusters of data on your hard disk that cannot be read. Bad sector can cause a real damage to you hard drive by stressing your read arm

What Cause HDD Bad Sectors

  1. Improper shutdown of Windows;
  2. Defects of the hard disk, including general surface wear, pollution of the air inside the unit, or the head touching the surface of the disk;
  3. Other poor quality or aging hardware, including a bad processor fan, dodgy data cables, an overheated hard drive;
  4. Malware.

Types of Bad Sector

  1. Hard Bad Sector-are the ones that are physically damage i.e: you hard disk are expose to extreme heat or simply has a faulty mechanical part.
  2. Soft Bad Sector-also known as 'hard drive formatting wearing out', they are logical errors.

Check your HDD for errors
You can help solve some computer problems and improve the performance of your computer by making sure that your hard disk has no errors.

  1. Open Computer by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Computer.
  2. Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to check, and then click Properties.
  3. Click the Tools tab, and then, under Error-checking, click Check Now.   If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
  4. To automatically repair problems with files and folders that the scan detects, select Automatically fix file system errors. Otherwise, the disk check will simply report problems but not fix them.
  5. To perform a thorough disk check, select Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors. This scan attempts to find and repair physical errors on the hard disk itself, and it can take much longer to complete.
  6. To check for both file errors and physical errors, select both Automatically fix file system errors and Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors.
  7. Click Start.

Depending upon the size of your hard disk, this may take several minutes. For best results, don't use your computer for any other tasks while it's checking for errors.

If you select Automatically fix file system errors for a disk that is in use (for example, the partition that contains Windows), you'll be prompted to reschedule the disk check for the next time you restart your computer.

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